Friday, January 29, 2010

Putting on the Pressure

I drifted back in time this past Wednesday to an environment that I used to be a part of exactly ten years ago. I wore the tight, black uniform and those small, blue goggles and waited on the edge of that diving board for the buzzard to sound off. Those days seem much longer than a decade ago, but the memories resurfaced almost as strong as the swift of chlorine that hit me when I walked into the YMCA. I only photographed this swim meet for a gallery for the Web site, but I enjoyed doing it. I was able to watch competitive swimming again and recall how I was once that little.

The first image struck me as hilarious and strange. She looks like she is being zapped, and the expression on her face further compliments that theory. I loved the look on the girl's face on the next photo down, and the one below that was a wide, low-angle shot I took before I was told to move by the officials. I wasn't violating any major rules, but I guess as a photojournalist, you have to stretch the limits until you are told where they are (unless you know beforehand).

Yesterday I was able to finally photograph a sport during the day hours! Of course it was soccer, and the girls were fairly slow. I still enjoyed shooting the game though because ever moment on the sidelines is a moment to improve. The first image was published:

Today I photographed both boys and girls basketball at Niceville High School. The teams played Choctaw in both games and only beat Choctaw in the boy's game. Here are the two published images:

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